Just remembered a paragraph that I read long back, about the great Indian language...
The "concept of gravity" existed before it's discovery, is existing after it's discovery and would continue to exist even when the humanity forgets about it!!!
Thus, one can explain the concept of eternity!!!
Similarly, the eternal greatness of the long forgotten language (Sanskrit) exists...
Just as an indication of this, I remember an example:
Consider the word NA"RA"YANA which indicates the name of lord...
Lord is characterized by the omni presence and universal existence...
In the above name of the lord, if we remove the letter "RA", it becomes NA-AYANA which means "non-existence" just like an antonym of the "Omni presence"
Similarly, consider the panchakshari mantra- NA"MA" SIVAAYA
In the above if we remove the "MA" then the panchakshari becomes- NA SIVAAYA, which means the state of "with out siva" ( 'na' sivaaya)...
Now this is the difference......(we get the opposites of the existing words or phrases) when a letter of sanskrit is removed from the name / phrase!!!!
Now just consider the most important letters in the above examples and join them....
What did you get???
"RA" "MA".............RAMA
Scriptures say that the name of the lord "RAMA" is powerful enough to end the cycle of birth and death forever!!!
If single letter of sanskrit has this much to say, then what about the infinite knowledge encrypted in vedic hymns???