Tuesday, February 14, 2012

1. My Letter to A Saadhak/Friend...

Dear *****,

*Tried to post this on your blog, but as it didn't allow, i'm sending the comments on your blog "http://knowislam.ucoz.com/news/an_invitation_towards_islam/2011-12-31-3" below:

According to glimpses of Bhagavatam, the holy treatise about creation, there is whole explanation of types of satan (rakshasas, asuras, bhoota, preta and pisachas - all having different characteristics) vs. different types of devatas (devas, suras, yakshas, kinnera kimpurushas etc. -who are with sattva guna) and many more and ultimately, the evolution of humanity through devahuti (daughter of Swayambhu Manu)i and kardama muni (who performed penance of over 10000 years for following the wish of Lord Brahma about extending the human creation) etc...

When scriptures and puranas are drawing such clear lines between devas and danavas (satan), how can there be idols for satans? It is much advanced text telling story of evolution....for your reference and reading.
Further, with your limited 5 senses through which you can perceive the world outer to you, you can't know the lord. It is easier at very ground level to start devotion with someone imaginable than with someone whom you don't know. Being aware of sensuous limitations, you are asked to worship the various forms of lord in idols form and perform the rituals, that reach the lord (akasat patitam toyam yadha gachati saagaram, sarva deva namaskaraha sri kesavam prati gachati), as all the water from skies reach the ocean, similarly all the namaskaras to devas would reach kesava (the ultimate lord); Doing these regularly (similar to a muslim doing namaaz) your consciousness upgrades to perceive the higher levels of existance (physical , meta-physical, spiritual planes etc) in natural way...

Devatas are but part of creation of lord (krishna / vishnu) emanating from himself, for executing and sustaining the creations...just like President of India uses different Governments & Departments for sustaining operations of the Country (ideal situation).

Request you not to go by the names of lords / demons used here....they are as per the holy scriptures....


2. My Letter ....reply

Dear Adithya,

Good to hear from you. Thanks for going through the article and posting your comments. I hope that you are doing well in both personal and professional lives.

Discussion with open mind to understand truth and acquire knowledge is the way to attain truth and peace in both the worlds.

As per Islam we all belong to One God who is our Creator and to Him we all shall return. He loves us all.
We all will be raised on the day of judgment after we die and will be judged as how we performed in this world. We should continously strive to search truth and follow it with open heart.

I would like to understand more about your views about religion, purpose of life and other basic questions as below;
1) Do you believe about God and Creation of Human being OR Do you believe in Evolution of Human being from Monkeys? and why?
2) What is the origin of mankind?
3) What is purpose of our lives? What will happen to us after our death?
and the most improtant question;
4) How can you be sure that what you are following or believing is truth and not just following elders blindly or without reasoning? What is the proof that what you believe or follow is truth?

Please feel free to call me anytime shall you need to discuss or talk in person as well.


3. My Letter to A Saadhak/Friend...

Dear *****,
Thanks for your enquiries :)
It's going fine with me on personal and professional fronts...

Below are my responses:

1) Do you believe about God and Creation of Human being OR Do you believe in Evolution of Human being from Monkeys? and why?
Humans coming from monkeys is just a speculation that should be ruled out by wise very easily. I believe about ultimate GOD and his sub-creations (again emanating from the one according to the sankalp or thought initiation from him), that executes sustenance and helps in three fold roles of manifested GOD.
2) What is the origin of mankind?
Origins ofcourse lie in the secrets of life and mystic linkage to God. For human beings with limited senses to read and assimilate the essence (need not be 100% understanding again due to inherent sense limitations) it has been presented by sages in Bhagavata Purana as stages of events occurred during evolution.

3) What is purpose of our lives? What will happen to us after our death?
Purpose of life is to achieve the "chatur vidha purusha-arthas" -  the said four fold accomplishments of humans - DHARMA (righteousness) ARTHA (involves money, prosperity, well-being other materialistic things) KAAMA (the desires - materialistic again) and MOKSHA (liberation);
There is a clear cut reason (though not known to human beings with limited senses) why there are so many species with various capabilities and disabilities. The reasons lie in the 'judgement'' based on DHARMA. One can earn money to accomplish "ARTHA", but this should be righteous (abiding by DHARMA). Similarly KAMA should be achieved within the DHARMIC living only. The reason for various species with huge variations in life spans vs abilities vs appearances vs disabilities is nothing but result of past "karmas or doings".
Example: When a parrot completes it's life cycle,
it has completed resolving the imbalance of 2 types of karma - punya (positive / sattvic) or paap (misdoings / tamsic / rajasic), based on DHARMA and when punya and paap equals, it is given an opportunity to chase next levels of existence through human body and ultimately end the cycle of KARMA.

So, what happens at the end of year appraisal (considering ideal appraisal system) in a company is nothing but result of what you do every working day about your job. Similarly, when the cycle of karma exhausts (both punya and paap), the soul is liberated. The glimpses of this science of liberation (MOKSHA) can be found in Lord Krishna's discourse as Bhagavad-Gita. The residual of net KARMA decides the life after any living entities death.

4) How can you be sure that what you are following or believing is truth and not just following elders blindly or without reasoning? What is the proof that what you believe or follow is truth?
For example, you are designing and developing a television. You will try to educate the end-user of how to use the device through manuals, for best benefits. Similarly, when GOD created human beings with above mentioned purposes, he manifested in different avtars and given manual as Bhagavad-Gita in terms of discourse to the devotee under his submission for living bliss filled life and attaining liberation.

If you give a HD signal to "Portable TV", it can neither receive nor process the signal to give an output. Similarly, for human beings like you and me with limited sense capabilities, can't perceive the opluences of Lord. But we are gifted with the intelligence to understand about our limitations. So, we should take shelter of some one who has already known the Lord and his opluences called Gurus - Munis and Rishis of ancient worlds... in the above example, they can perceive the HD signal, process it and also can display in the pure essence for our assimilation (if not understanding). So, one of the methods is attaining MOKSHA is through submission to such enlightened GURU and doing SUSRUSHA or seva with "sarvasya-saranaagati / complete submission". Now, coming to the "proof" portion, there are references or "Pramanas" described. The texts doesn't just say believe me....they establish a method to establish belief....that method is through various "PRAMANAS" (further reading on pramanas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pramana) by which you yourself can establish or evaluate.

When I say that I'm believing discourses of my SAT-GURU, I'm following SABDA-PRAMAN. I've got the ultimate eligibility of getting real SAT-GURU, and I get the knowledge through the SABDA-PRAMANA, as the knowledge being given is from AUTHENTIC ELIGIBLE GURU.

This is very much similar to a mother (who is AUTHENTIC ELIGIBLE PERSON) confirming the father for a son. The son will know his father through SABDA-PRAMANA. The son will never ever question / express doubt about his father - similarly, when the SABDA-PRAMANA is through ELIGIBLE GURU, I know that it is correct.
Thanks for intriguing questions ;). More discussions are welcome.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

India - Emerging out from Identity Crisis!

Acknowledgements to the tolerant saadhaks who took birth at the whim of Lord, responsible for continuation of the great Hindu DNA despite >200 years of confusion. I bow to these strong minds and believers, for they are great executors of the Lord's idea.

Let's start with idea that 200 years is too short for a history and legacy of >5000 years (as found in the form of books) and tons of undated literary mountains to perish. A short lived rain is too short to destroy or perturb the massive ocean - that simply absorbs the rain to be again as gigantic and majestic as ever. It is only Mudhas who try to date the sruti, because as the name itself suggests, it is not in written words. Sruti as told by the Hindu is eternal (without beginning and ending - before humanity ever arouse - that which will survive even if all the humanity perishes). Hinduism doesn't expect you to write down for you to remember knowledge. Gnana is something that resides in the mind. It is thus important to understand that the creation is not like a causal system that has t=0; but there is no "t=0"; Being humans with a start date and end date, it will be a natural instinct to guess (pure guess work) that this universe has start and end dates.

Let leave the universe, do you have any little clue of how your body is formed? how you took birth, how life is sustained in you and what exactly will take away the life out of your body?
Do you have any clue of 1000s of changes happening inside your body and by the way..are you triggering those changes ?- how can that happen, you don't even know what is happening inside you!! Do you have any little bit of idea of how you can think, remember, execute, generate ideas and do all those things physical or otherwise the way you are doing? Do we have any such so-called "modern" science that can answer any of these questions? Are we atleast at 1% achievement in the direction of answering these questions? ...I don't think so!

West has ably strategized and planted confusion in the mind of a Hindu to feel ashamed of his religion.... and as anyone would know that harming a believer in a society that had only truthful people is such an easy job for crooked and wicked English people who learnt to win through deceiving people. This is what exactly happened in case of India. I'm trying to be honest like any Hindu, not worrying about someone would like it or not! Shame on all those souls who did the job of a demon!

But, I'm happy for the mother of all religions is only waiting like a true mother with infinite patience and good news is the sign of resurgence... and not much time is left for our mother to flaunt her effulgence to this world that is right now filled with greed, selfishness and wrath. My prayers to you O Mother of all, please flaunt your knowledge, radiance and glory on this society and save us from destruction of originally blissful beings!!! We are your children and be generous to us!!!

Also, these things can only help in making the belief more stronger and Hindusim will bounce back and only with 100 times more aggression to drown everyone in the ocean of bliss and devotion.

Waiting for time when the world bows down in respect for the real hindu...