Friday, August 11, 2006

Hare Krishna!

This evening was a pleasent one with my visit to the satsang organized by the ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness).
Here came a guruji for delivering a speech realted to spiritual life...
The speech was quite impressive and I observed a set of things in this charming (tejomaya) human being...
1. Clear thought. Filled with energy
2. Eyes that reflect the inner confidence and happiness
3. The mind in a state of freedom...and much more

I felt that I was taken on to a different plane while he was explaining the 'spiritual concepts'...
He made some statements that had an indelible impact on me. One of them was regarding the 'maya' which makes us believe that this material world is everything that we have and that it is real.
He put this point like this: There are two mistakes that we do which makes us believe that this world is real...
1. Thinking that 'I can do' and
2. Thinking that 'I can't do' (for whatever reason it may be!)

These two things he says are the two sides of a same coin (and this coin is called ego)
and that Lord Krishna was trying to say arjuna all through the Geetha that this coin itself is a fake one!!!!!
and that the doer is not you!!!

Another discussion (which I had with one of the followers) has uncovered some more information regarding the religion and the types of proofs one could give...
In any way to prove something, there can be three types of attempts:
1. Pratyaksha pramaan
2. Anumana pramaan
3. Shabda pramaan
In a small example, if you need to prove that water is there in the jug,
-then according to the first one, you can show the other that there is water
-according to the second one, you can make some sound from the jug and say that there is water in the jug....( it may or may not be water....because all liquids can make similar sound)
-according to the third pramaan, one just says that there is water in the jug and that should be believed...

So in this world the third one is most powerful and influential...

Fortunately or unfortunately the religion has also come from the shabd prmaan through ages and the decision is upto you whether to believe it or not...

I would like to make a statement here...."The almighty can't be compared to the water in a jug..."
and so the first option can be totally ruled out...
while the second can be considered (that too after a lot of saadhana) and the only option that we have is the last one and thus, first believe it...
and next start exploring the (seemingly) impossible one!!!

"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare"

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